Soulfree - Supporting the disabled community in India

Preethi Srinivasan

A publication by the World Health Organization in 2011 reported that one billion people live with disabilities globally.  Roughly 75 million of those reside in India. According to the Indian disability charity Soulfree, wheelchair accessibility is virtually non-existent in schools, colleges, government, and public places. Furthermore, Soulfree notes an extreme stigma attached to those with disabilities - especially women.  

The Toyota Mobility Foundation is proud to support the work of Preethi Srinivasan, the co-founder of Soulfree as a global ambassador for the Mobility Unlimited Challenge. Based in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, Soulfree’s aim is to provide state of the art rehabilitation and support services for people in India with severe disabilities. We’re pleased to be able to highlight the charity’s work and the issues they’re trying to tackle.

Preethi Srinivasan and Soulfree

Active throughout her childhood, Preethi Srinivasan grew up a national level swimmer and a state level cricket player. At the age of 18, she had an accident in Pondicherry, India and sustained a spinal cord injury which left her paralyzed from the neck down. Inspired by her mother, who advised her “If everyone in a seemingly secure condition decided to ignore the desperate cries of those who suffer, then how will society evolve?” Preethi co-founded Soulfree, a charitable trust in 2013. She uses the charity as a positive platform to be a motivational speaker. In this video, Preethi talks about the power of perspective as part of a TEDx Talks series.

Soulfree’s work:

Soulfree’s goal is to provide a state-of-the-art rehabilitation centre that will house those with severe disabilities who cannot be cared for by their families. Soulfree provides financial support for the purchase of equipment (such as sewing machines) to enable entrepreneurship, and vocational training on an individual basis to enable financial independence. They believe there are two phases of work necessary to improve the lives of those with disabilities - prevention and rehabilitation. Through this approach, Soulfree believe they can make a more sensitized, inclusive, and wheelchair-friendly India.  

As part of its prevention through education program, Soulfree aims to:

  • Expose the harsh reality of the severely disabled in India

  • Provide training programs to the general public to teach them about what spinal cord injury is and how the spine can be stabilized following an accident

  • Campaign for community support and assistance for well-equipped ambulances with trained emergency staff to ensure correct treatment is given quickly and to reduce any unnecessary risk

As part of their empowerment and rehabilitation agenda, it plans to:

  • Provide grief counselling, guidance and support for those with spinal cord injury

  • Provide a support system for the families of those who have a spinal cord injury

  • Create databases so that those with spinal-cord injuries are connected and can share ideas, problems, and solutions, giving them a community support system

  • Leverage the support of the community, government, corporations, and NGOs in setting up volunteer databases. Volunteer databases are also created for specialised healthcare professionals like physiotherapists, doctors, nurses and trained caregivers.

Success stories

Mr Khatri* had spent nearly 7 years in a bedridden condition when he first sought support from Soulfree​. After receiving mobility aids and financial support from Soulfree, he was able to start a career in farming. He’s now an independent entrepreneur and successful farmer.

While working in his native district of Tiruvannamalai, Mr Chowdhury* sustained a spinal cord injury after a painful fall. He reached out to Soulfree after the accident for some assistance in setting up a small business. With Soulfree’s financial support and encouragement, he was able to set up a tea stall, selling homemade snacks and savouries.

*Please note names have been changed for data protection purposes.

How can you get involved?

Getting involved with Preethi and Soulfree’s work is easy. Here are some of the ways in which you can help.

  • Spread the word - You can find out more at or on their Facebook page.

  • Volunteer - Soulfree is in its infancy and was established only out of need, without any resources or expertise. To achieve its objectives and fundamentally change the way the people in wheelchairs are viewed in India, it needs support.

  • Donate - Whatever resources shared with Soulfree will be used sincerely and constructively.

  • Invite - Preethi is an incredible person and a consummate inspirational speaker. Encourage your institution or corporation to invite her for a talk that is sure to be as motivational as it is moving.