Announcing our Discovery Awardees!

Innovator works on a device

Earlier this year, the Mobility Unlimited team were excited to receive so many applications for the Mobility Unlimited Challenge Discovery Awards. Teams from all over the world applied for one of ten $50,000 grants to help them develop their great idea to be able to enter the main Challenge in August. If you've missed out on a Discovery Award, don’t worry - finalist submissions are open until August 15th!

We received nearly 100 applications from 25 different countries. Ideas were varied, covering the spectrum of mobility devices and utilizing technology in truly innovative ways.

Discovery Awards Infographic

After a thorough independent assessment process, our panel of judges selected ten winners who will receive $50k of seed funding to support them to enter the main Challenge in August.

Today we’re delighted to announce the following ten Discovery Awardees:

We look forward to seeing these teams develop their ideas and entries over the next few months.

Missed out on the Discovery Awards? You can still enter the main challenge - get your entries in by August 15th, 2018. More information on how to enter can be found here.